At the start of the futsal game, a coin toss is used to settle on who will start the match. A kick off is used to indication the start of play, and is also used at the start of the second half, and any stages of extra time.
It is also used subsequent to a goal has been scored, with the other team starting the play.
After a momentary stoppage for any cause not mentioned in the Laws of the Game, the referee will drop the ball where the play was discontinue, provided that preceding to the stoppage when ball was in play and had not crossed either the touch lines or goal lines.
If the ball goes above the goal line or touchline, hits the ceiling or the play is stopped by the referee, the ball is out of play.
If it strikes the ceiling of an indoor arena, play is restarted with a kick-in to the rival of the team that last touched the ball, under the place where it hit the ceiling.
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